Final Project: YOLO for American Sign Language (live video input processed on Nvidia Jetson Nano)
DV9: Transfer Learning: from Cats & Dogs to American Sign Language
DV8: Breast cancer prediction in 84 steps: IAM, S3, Lambda, Sagemaker, API, Postman
DV7: Live video face detection using webstream from a Jetson Nano
Final Project 75%: YOLO Classification on the JetsonNano: smoky ASL at a Beyonce concert
DV5: Face Detection via Intel & Raspberry Pi edge devices
DV4: AutoML for American Sign Language classification
Final project proposal: YOLO for ASL
DV3: Core ML iPhone App finds and identifies objects
DV2: What can I learn about AWS DeepRacer in one day?
DV1: FMNIST classification with deconvolutional layers